Wednesday, January 15, 2020

WEEK 2: Blogging Workshop says there are 31.7 million blogs in the United States today.


CREATE  A new account. When it asks you to choose a URL for your new blog, try using your name or some variation of it.

CHOOSE  A template for your blog. Window Pane is always a safe bet. Be sure to choose a template that has a side bar either on the left or right.

GADGETS  In the Blogger dashboard, scroll down the left column to LAYOUT. Got to your sidebar. Click ADD A GADGET and choose a plain TEXT BOX. Name it ABOUT ME. Do the same thing again, but name it ABOUT THE BLOG.

BACKGROUND  Choose Blogger's gallery of backgrounds or upload your own.

PHOTO  Feel free to add a photo of yourself to the ABOUT ME gadget. (Note: some people don't like to for the sake of privacy.)

BLOG   Tells us about your TOP 5 news sources — and why. 

CHECK OUT  This recent article in The Oregonion: Could starting a blog or posting regularly to LinkedIn help or hurt my career?

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