Saturday, January 4, 2020

WEEK 12: Journo Heroes, Pt. 2

Did you know Barabara Walters was the first female news anchor
to reach national prominence? Check out the clip below of "20/20."

INTRO   We focused our first exploration of important journalists on the early eras of American history. Now, let's take a look at journalists in the modern era. 

VISIT   This fun site devoted to 100 Outstanding Journalists.

BRAIN STORM   Let's have a brain storm session to identify high-quality journalists of the mid-to-late 20th Century, from Vietnam War whistle-blower Seymour Hirsch to international correspondent Christiane Amanpour.

CHOOSE   A modern journalist to write about, let's say from the end of WWII onward to keep it modern. You could choose someone from the list we create or choose your favorite journalist from history — Walter Cronkite? Connie Chung? Bernard Shaw? Woodward and Bernstein?

FOCUS   Tell us about the person's life and how they became famous. Also tell us why they and their careers were significant. How were they a ground-breaker? How did they provide a role model for others? What were their triumphs, awards, etc. How did the press treat either, during and after their lives? How were they remembered in obits and tributes?

20/20   Barbara Walters talks about her role in creating the unbelievably successful ABC News program "20/20" — which was a top-rated hit for more than 20 years!  (It's just a minute and a half, so go ahead and click.)

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