Sunday, January 12, 2020

WEEK 5: The Partisan Press Era

CHECK OUT  This short entry about the cartoon above from the Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia.

CHECK OUT  This fun entry by The Culture Trip about The 15 Most Influential Political Cartoons of All Time.

READ  The Brittanica entry about echoes of what is also called the Party Press Era today.

GO TO   The tab at the top of the page labeled EOTO #1. We will launch that together in class.

Spring 2024Skip the assignment below. We might bring it back later because it's fun.

CREATE   Your own political cartoon!  (Artistic talent doesn't matter. Your wit does.) Your cartoon can be based on current events, or you could reach back to another political era. For example, since we're talking about the Partisan Press Era, you could cartoon about event surrounding the Revolution or the early days of the United States. Or you could choose more recent periods such as the Stock Market Crash of 1929 or Watergate. Or cartoon about current events. Let your imagination run wild!

BLOG  About the experience of creating your political cartoon. Or, if you don't want to put your cartoon on your blog, write a reflection on the short readings. Questions to spark your thinking: Was the old system, when news sources were openly partisan, a better way to do it? Worse? Why or why not? Do you see any parallels between the old system of news delivery and the system as you experience it today online? Is "objectivity" a worthy goal or a delusion? What do you think?

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