Saturday, January 11, 2020

WEEK 6: EOTO, Pt. 1

Did you know that one of the most famous early investigative journalists
was a female reporter named Ida Tarbell? Did you know that Benjamin
Franklin learned the newspaper business from his brother James?

EOTO   Means Each One Teach One.

SURVEY   The list of Journo Heroes below. Think about which one you'd like to research and teach the class about. If you don't recognize any names, do a little Googling to find out.

MEET   With your group. We'll divide the class into three teams of five.

BID   On the historic figures you want as part of your group presentation. Choose carefully because you are going to have to research this person both for a presentation next week and for a blog post this week.

CREATE   A PowerPoint presentation using Google Slides so that everyone can contribute. 

RESEARCH   Your historic figure. Be sure to record URLs for the online sources you use. Think beyond Google — like Google Scholar or Google Books.

CONTRIBUTE   At least two slides to your group's presentation. Be ready to present one week from today.

BLOG   About your historic figure. This is a Key Post that will be graded separately. Make it at least 500-600 words. Think about the hallmarks of a good blog post: at least one visual element, at least one link and, of course, good form and clean writing!  (Remembering always that minimum doesn't earn the A.)


William Lloyd Garrison      Nellie Bly      Emily Faithfull

Ida Tarbell      Walter Bagehot      Benjamin Franklin

William Randolph Hearst      Charles Dana      Horrace Greeley

James Gordon Bennett    Mary Ann Shadd    Jane Cunningham Croly

Ida B. Wells    Ambrose Bierce    Frederic Douglass    Joseph Pulitzer

H.L. Mencken      Winifred Sweet Black      Mary Margaret McBride

Ellen Browning Scripps      Ida Husted Harper      Jacob Riis

Clarina Irene Howard Nichols      Walter Lippman      Drew Pearson

“Girl Reporters”      “The Black Press”      “The Muckrakers”

“Yellow Journalists”      Paparazzi

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